Constructive Biology Constructive Biology

Constructive Biology

Codon Devices  
What if you could stop cloning genes?
With gene synthesis at 69¢/base pair, you can!

Synthetic Genes Starting at Just 69¢/bp

Codon Devices’ Standard Constructed Clones are just 69¢ per base pair  for up to 2kb, everyday! At this price you can make broad usage of 
de novo -synthesized genes to save money and improve your productivity.  Simply send Codon Devices your sequence and let us do the rest.

High Quality, Fast Turnaround and Industrial-Scale Capacity

Our proprietary BioFAB™ technology enables the large-scale design and construction of 100% sequence-verified genes quickly and reliably. With the capacity to meet the needs of industrial customers, and delivery in as few as ten days, Codon Devices can rapidly provide synthetic genes to accelerate your research.

Short or Long Constructs, Simple or Complex Sequences

Codon Devices can deliver simple gene constructs ranging from
<1kb to >10kb, as well as genetic sequences of unprecedented length and complexity, such as “The Biggest DNA Ever Made”. Constructs containing multiple genes, or even entire pathways, are now possible.


Minimum orders apply.  Prices valid in the U.S. only.  Complete the form for country-specific pricing information.


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  Please send me "The Biggest DNA Ever Made"
by M. Herper.
For more information, check all that apply:
Cloning Outsource Partnerships
Constructed Clones
Variants and Variant Libraries
Protein Engineering
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Constructive Biology   Constructive Biology